Duties of TGCWA Committee Members

President - Mark Niedzwiedz

President shall:
* call and chair all meetings
* have ordinary and casting vote
* keep himself informed of all activities of the Club
* as required, make announcements on club days to members on matters relevant to non-play issues, and/or decisions made at Committee meetings
* endeavour to attract new members and sponsorship to the Club and encourage Committee and membership to do same
* as required and in conjunction with the Captain resolve disputes and arguments of a non-playing nature
* in conjunction with the Committee appoint a Disciplinary Committee to handle matters of misconduct
* in conjunction with Committee become actively involved and oversee activities associated with the ATGA Championship when it is TGCWA’s turn to host the event
* advise Committee members where and when next Committee meeting is to be held

Vice President - John Chlubek

Vice President shall:
* carry out all the duties of the President (attached) in the President’s absence
* keep himself informed of all activities of the Club
* endeavour to attract new members and sponsorship to the Club and encourage Committee and membership to do same
* be responsible for maintaining the TGCWA website 
* ensure members and visitors comply with Dress Requirements both on and off the course as outlined in the TGCWA Fixture book

Secretary - Taj Sadowski

Secretary shall:
* in conjunction with the Committee arrange and organize the fixtures for the Club’s official playing season
* coordinate the correspondence of the Club
* take minutes of all proceedings of the Committee and the Club and record as follows - Subject - Action to be taken - By whom - By when -
* distribute minutes to Committee members as soon as practicable after meetings so Action items can be addressed in a timely manner before next meeting
* comply on behalf of the Club with – the register of members (ensuring as far as practicable all member contact details are included and current) the rules of the Club the record of the office holders of the Club maintain Notices of Motion file
* have custody of all books, documents, records and registers of the Club other than those required to be held by or in the custody of the Treasurer

Treasurer - Taj Sadowski

Treasurer shall
* be responsible for the receipt of all monies paid to, or received by the Club and shall issue receipts for those monies in the name of the Club * pay all monies, as referred to above into such accounts as the Committee may from time to time direct
* make payments from the funds of the Club with the authority of a general meeting, or of the Committee and in so doing ensure that all cheques are signed by another Committee member other than himself
* comply on behalf of the Club with the legal accounting requirements of the records of the Club
* whenever directed to do so by the President submit to Committee a report, balance sheet or financial statement in accordance with that request
* submit a financial statement of current financial situation at monthly Committee meetings

Captain - Eric Wansbrough

Captain shall:
* have charge of all matters relating to play throughout the season including –
* follow up perpetual trophy winners from previous season to ensure they return trophy in a timely manner so it can be presented to new winner
* ensure there are enough golf balls available on game days to present to winners. Hold club’s supply of balls. In conjunction with Treasurer purchase golf balls as required
* conduct draw for tee off times on game days
* ensure there are enough marker pins for long drives and near pins available on game days and they are kept in good condition
* in conjunction with Committee coordinate and oversee activities associated with the ATGA Championship when it is TGCWA’s turn to host the event
* hold results book from previous season(s) for reference
* as required resolve disputes and arguments of a playing nature

Vice Captain - Ken Vivian

Vice-Captain shall: 
* carry out all of the duties of the Captain (attached) in the Captain’s absence
* assist Captain with the draw for tee off and with daily results on game days
* perform the function of handicapper
* enter daily results on Golf Link as soon as practicable after each game – maintain current handicap list
* arrange engraving of perpetual trophies

Committee Members -
Clarence Baptist
Sam Short
Patrick McGoldrick

Committee Members shall
* assist in all matters dealing with the orderly running of the Club
* follow up trophy donors to ensure they have trophy available for their nominated trophy day
* organize and conduct raffles after games played at selected private golf clubs
* in conjunction with Committee organize and arrange social events for members
* act as back up to secretary for minute taking if secretary unavailable
* assist Captain with the draw for tee off and with daily results on game days if Vice-captain is unavailable or if extra assistance is required